Thursday, November 15, 2012

Country music just Sounds Better in a Camper ♥
Started listening to the radio in little Jimmy as I work. I didn't realize the SAME 10 songs are repeated every hour uugh . At least I'm learning 
what little girls are made of  " Gun Powder & Lead" 
 hhhmmm this one is made of twinkies and bourbon.
Who Knew ?
Sorry neighbors ... so thankful the home society hasn't made me move Jimmy to a lot yet. I am paying $30 a month for storage that isn't being used ...cuts in to the Jim Beam fund.
Enjoy your Dirty day !


  1. Love, love, love watching the progress on your camper. I am living vicariously through your posts as I do not have one yet. I have been purchasing items for this imaginary camper of mine...I change color schemes on a daily basis..oh well. Thanks for sharing your camper and if we ever meet up along the Glamping byways I will have the 3 boys on board, ya know, Jim, Jack & Johnnie. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. db keep the faith, you'll find one. I see them EVERYWHERE now that I have one. It's a darn good thing I don't live in the country because I would buy a bunch of these cute little campers. Can't wait to get finished with the bones of Jimmy so I can start Glamping him up. I see Johnnie is your third boyfriend good choice. Jose is a trouble maker, you don't want to wake up wearing just a sombrero and a candy necklace in the middle of the campgrounds :)
