Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wine & Prime Wine & Prime
I have begun the dauntless task of priming the birch wood. I have read so many blogs of how it is a SIN to paint over the precious birch inside these little canned hams . Well I have said a couple of Hail Marys and a few Our Fathers for penance and I have drank A LOT of sacred wine to ease my consciences . A LOT !
I splurged on the most expensive primer because ..... I'm lazy.
Did the scratch test the next morning and it's as strong as Fort Knox.

As you can see I am also slow as molasses because it was light when I started and two bottles of wine, a scraped knuckle and hair streaked like the bride of Frankenstein it is now night time.
I fixed two of the little windows in the back of the camper so none of the hot young fisherman I catch will be able to escape my lair. Just call me Mrs Robinson.  *smirk slyly*
Such mind fantasies  ...

Now I need to come up with a craft for wine corks for my sweet little camper !
 Enjoy your dirty day !!